Hi, I’m Michaela -

Northern Beaches Birth & Postpartum Doula

Are you passionate about woman-centered care? Have you done your research and questioning todays statistics and methods? Wanting continuity of care throughout your pregnancy and beyond? Then you are in the right place.

I am fresh in my doula journey which means I am deep down in research, new education and learning from the wise women who’s been in the game for a long time. I believe the body and mind of a woman is truly magical and I work best with women who believe the same and are truly wanting to tap into the strength of your own mind and body.

So if you are ready to do the work, eager to learn and up for a good laugh along the way, get in touch!

Best way to get in contact is to send me an email via the contact form, tell me a little about yourself and what you are looking for and we’ll start there.

x Michaela

Download price guide here

Support to prepare for pregnancy, birth & post partum on Sydney’s Northern Beaches